- BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tarakan Municipality

To get Statistics data, please come to Statistical Integrated Service of Statistics of Tarakan Municipality, Jl. Pulau Kalimantan Number 9, Kampung Satu Skip, Tarakan Tengah or via whatsapp PST 0851-8310-6571

Release Date : December 2, 2024
File Size : 1.23 MB


In November 2024, there was year-on-year (y-on-y) inflation in Tarakan City of 1.65 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 104.57.
  • The y-on-y inflation occurred due to an increase in prices indicated by an increase in the expenditure group index, namely: food, beverages and tobacco group by 2.68 percent; clothing and footwear group by 0.32 percent; housing, water, electricity, and household fuel group by 0.10 percent; household equipment, tools and routine maintenance group by 0.86 percent; health group by 1.40 percent; transportation group by 0.65 percent; recreation, sports, and culture group by 0.07 percent; education group by 0.48 percent; food and beverage/restaurant provision group by 0.39 percent; and personal care and other services group by 7.86 percent. Meanwhile, the expenditure group that experienced a decrease in the index was the information, communication, and financial services group by 0.03 percent. the increase in the expenditure group index, namely: food, beverages and tobacco group by 2.68 percent; clothing and footwear group by 0.32 percent; housing, water, electricity and household fuel group by 0.10 percent; household equipment, tools and routine maintenance group by 0.86 percent; health group by 1.40 percent; transportation group by 0.65 percent; recreation, sports and culture group by 0.07 percent; education group by 0.48 percent; food and beverage/restaurant provision group by 0.39 percent; and personal care and other services group by 7.86 percent. Meanwhile, the expenditure group that experienced a decrease in the index was the information, communication and financial services group by 0.03 percent. 
  • The month to month (m-to-m) inflation rate and the year to date (y-to-d) inflation rate for Tarakan City in November 2024 were 0.04 percent and 1.20 percent respectively. Tarakan City in November 2024 were 0.04 percent and 1.20 percent respectively.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

    BPS-Statistics Indonesia

    Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Tarakan (Statistics Tarakan) Jl. Pulau Kalimantan No. 9 Kampung 1 Skip Kota Tarakan; Telp (0551) 31715; Faks (0551) 31715; Email: bps6571@bps.go.id; Wa PST BPS Tarakan : +6285183106571





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