Regional Coordination Meeting for Preliminary Data Collection of Regsosek 2022 Tarakan City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tarakan Municipality

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Regional Coordination Meeting for Preliminary Data Collection of Regsosek 2022 Tarakan City

Regional Coordination Meeting for Preliminary Data Collection of Regsosek 2022 Tarakan City

September 20, 2022 | BPS Activities

The Mayor of Tarakan, dr. H. Khairul, M.Kes., together with the Head of BPS Tarakan City, Edwin Triyoga, officially opened the "Regional Coordination Meeting for Preliminary Data Collection of Socio-Economic Registration 2022", Tuesday (20/09/2022). 

The meeting was held at the Royal Tarakan Hotel, Jl. Mulawarman No.14, Tarakan City. Attended by representatives of offices / agencies, sub-districts and sub-districts throughout Tarakan City and the Socio-Economic Registration Team (Regsosek) of BPS Tarakan City. This activity aims to provide technical direction and align understanding and steps in the implementation of the 2022 Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection in Tarakan City.

Tarakan City's Socio-Economic Registration in 2022 comes with the big narrative of "Recording to Build the Country" and the tagline "One Data of Social Protection and Community Empowerment Program" as well as the full support of the Mayor of Tarakan.

Tarakan Mayor dr. H. Khairul, M.Kes. said, "Institutionally and fittings tarakan city government supports the Regsosek program, if in its implementation there are obstacles, the KotaTarakan City Government is ready to help".

The Head of BPS Tarakan City, Edwin Triyoga, explained the mechanism for implementing the Initial Data Collection for Socio-Economic Registration. This big task is a gamble, still coordinating and consolidating with agencies, agencies and agencies. Regsosek occupied a key role in the process of Social Protection Reform. Social Protection Reform is the basis for the integration of social protection programs, with socioeconomic empowerment and cross-program collaboration and cooperation with non-governments. With Regsosek, the embodiment of adaptive social protection will be even more concrete.

The Head of Tarakan City Bappedalitbang, Dr. Catur Hendratmo, S.T.P., M.M., also explained the poverty alleviation programs that have been implemented by the Tarakan City Government and the amount of budget that has been allocated to realize the Tarakan Mayor's program.

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