Statistical Agent Coaching (Statistics Corner) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tarakan Municipality

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Statistical Agent Coaching (Statistics Corner)

Statistical Agent Coaching (Statistics Corner)

August 25, 2022 | Other Activities

Tarakan, August 25, 2022, at the BPS Meeting Room in Tarakan City, a Statistical Agent Development activity (Statistics Corner) was carried out by a team from the Directorate of Statistical Dissemination of BPS, namely Stefanie Intan Christienova and Qurrata Ayunin Afuw. This activity was attended by Statistical Agents from students of the University of Borneo Tarakan and employees of BPS Tarakan City.

The Statistics Corner carries the concept of collaboration services between BPS and Universities through Forstat. Collaboration between BPS and universities and ISI will also be carried out to build statistical agents in order to increase statistical literacy and foster statistical activities.

The spirit in the formation and implementation of the Statistics Corner has received new challenges during the pandemic. The lecture system that switched from the classical method to the online method, restrictions on large-scale social activities due to the pandemic, and limited mobility during the pandemic demanded a new strategy in organizing the Statistics Corner. The virtual Statistics Corner is an effective choice in the Statistics Corner service during the pandemic and in the current digital era. The Virtual Statistics Corner combines ease of service, interesting statistical content and access to learning statistics without regional boundaries. With this advantage, it is hoped that the Virtual Statistics Corner can provide broad benefits for all students and academics at the University of Borneo Tarakan.

The Virtual Statistics Corner presents content packed with attractive visualizations in the form of infographics and videographies, online statistical consultation services, literacy rooms, and virtual statistical education services. The advantages offered will make the Virtual Statistics Corner a one stop statistical service for students and academics that is safer, easier and without limits.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Tarakan (Statistics Tarakan) Jl. Pulau Kalimantan No. 9 Kampung 1 Skip Kota Tarakan; Telp (0551) 31715; Faks (0551) 31715; Email:; Wa PST BPS Tarakan : +6285183106571


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